$ 763,895,100
Fasig-Tipton & Keeneland Thoroughbred Horse Sales
Kentucky is the largest seller of Thoroughbred horses at public auction
Yearling Sales at Keeneland
$377 Million
Yearlings Sold
Med. Price
236 Thoroughbred
stallions standing in KY
227 of those registered with KTDF
These stand for a range of
$2,000 - $
Thoroughbred Impact
Tax revenues for Kentucky through the Thoroughbred industry annually.
$ 33.6 Million
Thoroughbred Impact on
$24.4 Million direct
$9.2 Million indirect & induced
$ 1.003 Billion
Thoroughbred Impact on
Labor Income
$646 Million direct
$357 Million indirect & induced
$ 2.7 Billion
Thoroughbred Impact on
Total Value of Industry Production (Output)
$1.6 Billion direct
$1.1 Billion indirect & induced
Horses by the numbers
That's one horse for every 18 people in KY
HORSES PUT Kentuckians
More than 60 job categories are related to the horse industry including:
Direct, indirect & induced labor income
$ 1.9 Billion
Annual Mean Wage - $99,800
General & Operations Managers
Annual Mean Wage - $92,800
Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers
Annual Mean Wage - $81,800
Agricultural Engineers
Annual Mean Wage - $70,500
First-Line Supervisors of Farming, Fishing & Forestry Workers
Annual Mean Wage - $62,100
Animal Scientists
Annual Mean Wage - $54,100
Annual Mean Wage - $52,400
Farm & Home Management Advisors
Annual Mean Wage - $50,300
Grounds Maintenance
Annual Mean Wage - $43,100
Recreation Impact
14, 6 0 0
Tourism-related jobs attributed to the equine industry
5 , 8 2 8
$ 2 0 9 Million
Direct Jobs
Direct State Value
These direct
Recreation Impacts
Drive $132 million in added value to the economy
Create 1,831 jobs from indirect and induced effects
4 9 %
of recreational riders are from out-of-state

The Kentucky Horse Park has an economic impact of $240 million
3 0 %
of households in KY contain horse enthusiasts
There are 77 different horse-related attractions in the state of Kentucky
Competition Impact
In Kentucky, spending on travel, dining, and lodging for people attending or participating in events brings in $156 million
7 , 9 2 4
$ 3 1 0 Million
Direct Jobs
Direct State Value
These direct
Competition Impacts
Drive $198 million in added value to the economy
Create 2,793 jobs from indirect and induced effects

Brought an economic impact of $14.2 million

Contributes over $15.3 million annually in economic impact

The World Equestrian Games had an impact of $201.5 million
Racing Impact
Racing operations have a $517 million direct impact on Kentucky's economy
2 4 , 4 0 2
$ 8 3 2 Million
Direct Jobs
Direct State Value
These direct
Competition Impacts
Drive $594 million in added value to the economy
Create 9,333 jobs from indirect and induced effects
$ 118 Million
In Purses

2019 Kentucky Derby and Kentucky Oaks Estimated Economic Impact